1. About the Website

2. Acceptance of the Terms

You accept the Terms by registering for the Services and/or making any payment as required under the Terms for use of the Services. You may also accept the Terms by clicking to accept or agree to the Terms where and if this option is made available to you by Fund My Gift Pty Ltd in the user interface.

3. The Services

4. Your obligations as a Member

4.1. As a Member, you agree to comply with the following:

5. Using the Website as the Receiver

By using the website, be it as a registered or unregistered Member, you agree to:

Registered Members may exercise the following privileges:

6. Definition of a Child Account

A "Child Account" refers to an account or entry within a group that is managed by a parent or guardian ("Managing Parent"). Child Accounts are not standalone, registered accounts on the platform; rather, they are added by a Managing Parent specifically for the purpose of receiving gifts or benefits through the group's activities.

7. Using the Website as the Provider

8. Provider's Payment

9. Refund Policy

10. Copyright and Intellectual Property

11. Privacy

12. General Disclaimer

13. Limitation of Liability

14. Termination of Contract

15. Indemnity

16. Dispute Resolution

17. Venue and Jurisdiction

18. Governing Law

19. Independent Legal Advice

20. Severance

Last updated: 24 October 2023

Version: 2.0